What are the W-2 copies an employee will receive?
1.8k views | Last modified 11/16/2020 1:08:28 PM EST | Added by 123PayStubs Team

The IRS has mandated employers to issue three copies of Form W-2. The three copies are

  • Copy C – To be sent to the employee, to be retained by the employee for the employee's records.
  • Copy B – To be sent to the employee and filed by the employee with the employee's federal income tax returns.
  • Copy 2 – To be filed with the employee's state or local income tax returns. 

If you file Form W-2 through 123PayStubs, you can use the postal mailing option to have us send these copies to your employees on your behalf. You may also download the form and issue it manually or email the form right from the application.

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