My card was charged, but I couldn’t complete my order. What should I do?
1.5k views | Last modified 1/20/2021 12:44:52 AM EST

This might be because your transaction was declined. The most common reason for a transaction failure is a mismatch between the billing address entered and the address on the credit card statement. The billing address should be written exactly how it appears on your credit card statement in order to complete an order. 

If you see a transaction on your credit card statement, it is a temporary hold from your bank. This hold will be reversed within 3 business days. If the transaction has not been reversed in 3 business days, you may contact our support team.

Note: If the transaction is declined more than 3 times, your account will be blocked for 30 minutes. If a transaction is declined or you couldn’t complete the transaction using a card, you may check whether you have entered the correct billing address or use a different card with the correct billing address.

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